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Borders :-)

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I will cross a lot of borders during my summer trip - from Hungary to Serbia, Serbia to Macedonia, Macedonia to Greece. how those borders look a like - long time to wait before you are in a next country?



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Waiting depends on what passport U have and also how will U travel.

Is it by car, motorcycle, bike, by hitchhiking... Also depens which border crossing U go to, cos there are more between the countries U mentioned... but waiting is usualy not long (except if U drive a lorry)...

Give us some more data and U'll get more precise answer :)


Edit: I haven't seen the other post in the other topic... sorry :) Will write more now :)

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Yeah, I've seen it :) All the EU passports go through easier...

AMSS (road and traffic organisation of Serbia) says that waiting on the borders for passanger vehicles is not longer than 30 minutes, for 27.06.2009. They have informations day to day, but they don't have their site in English...

I suppose that it will remain approximately the same until the day of Ur trip...

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Thank you!

Normally there is no difference what passport you have - all cars stay in one line on border so if there will be some "bad" passport, all others behind that guy are waiting also :-(

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Normally there is no difference what passport you have - all cars stay in one line on border

On the contrary,  there is usually the "EU" queue, the "Non-EU" queue and the "diplomatic passports" well, obviously not so long queue :)

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fresh info from border crossings between Hungary and Serbia.

if you are going from SER to HUN there is no waiting but if you are going in oposit direction you are waiting 4 hours or more on Roszke-Horgos crossing, but on Tompa-Kelebija crossing there is no waiting. Its mainly because all the turks who are going from western europe home, and tourists who are going to sea use highway and go on Roszke-Horgos. The other one is used mainly by locals.

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Thank you, Tiberius Rex,

such data is extremely precious - imagine you think you stop driving after half a hour for beer and overnight - and, oops, it turns you must be sober another 5 hours  :pivoooo: Do you have idea about Serbian - Macedonian border (and then Greece border also)? I think Turks will go via Bulgaria...?

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The traffic at H-SR border is highly dependent on day of the week, especially during the summer holidays. By rule, it's almost always easier to get from Hungary to Serbia, than vice versa. Sunday from midday until late in the evening sees the biggest lines on entry into Hungary, perhaps 6-7 hours wait during summer season, so it might be prudent to go to Kelebija border crossing. Djala/Tiszasziget is, unfortunately, only for Hungarian and Serbian citizens. On weekdays, however, it's usually up to 30 minutes in any direction and, if you're lucky, much less. The longest lines on entry into Serbia are on Friday afternoon and Saturday. Of course, beginning of the holidays sees a large number of mainly Turkish citizens entering Serbia - you can always go off the M5 highway just 1km from the border if you see the lines (Roszke exit) and go to Tompa/Kelebija, which is some 30km from that point.

Being an EU citizen doesn't really help. Hungarian and Greek borders have dedicated lanes, but if there are little bit more cars, you won't be able to get to the dedicated lane until you're very close to the border crossing, cutting the waiting time for maybe couple of minutes. And when there's a big jam, non EU passport holders also use those lanes, so it's not really a benefit. The screening itself might be faster, but you'll wait for the others anyway. Serbian and Macedonian crossings do not have dedicated lanes - actually, MK does for MK citizens, but that doesn't work as well.

When in Serbia, you can contact the AMSS at +381 11 987 and ask them about the actual waiting time at the borders. Especially the one between Macedonia and Serbia at Preševo, since you have a sound alternative in Prohor Pčinjski, which is almost always completely deserted, and the scenery is way better. It's a 45 minute detour. Usually it takes around 30-45 minutes to cross though Preševo to Macedonia (and the waiting is, by rule, on the MK side) - a little bit less to get into Greece at Bogorodica/Evzoni, but avoid Saturday if possible. It might be a longer wait, and there are no nearby alternative crossings.

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Last update is that there are no queues during the late night / very early morning, however during the day and especially on the weekends, there are significant waiting times to enter Serbia:

Horgos/Roszke - 5 hours (out of which 3 hours on the Hungarian, 2 on the Serbian side)

Kelebija/Tompa - 30 minutes

Djala/Tiszasziget - immediate

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As coming the end of august and holidays,a lot of people from Turkey and Serbia(partly from Macedonia)will travel back to West Europe where they are living an working,and waiting on the borders with Hungary and Croatia will be longest during weekend days,and waitings from 30 min-2,3 hours.Serbian people use border crossing TOMPA with hungary where you don``t wait more than 1 hour(both borders),the others use mostly bprder crossing Horgos/Tompa where you can wait a longer time(especially entry in Hungary)which depends from 1 hour till 3,4 hours.From the begin of september,travelling will be much easy.

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