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Filipini - kada posetiti

3 posts in this topic

Zdravo planiram krajem aprila da posetim Cebu i Palawan, pa me zanima da li je neko bio u tom periodu ili poznaje nekog koje bio u tom periodu da mi prenese iskustvo..
Na internetu jedino što sam mogao da nađem je ovo:
October to May is the best time to visit Palawan, with hottest and dry between March - May, with October to February as the cold - dry season. But as a local, the weather in Palawan, specifically El Nido is fairly sunny the whole year round.
E sad pošto im je od marta do maja najtoplije, kod njih uvek pada kiša da li je previše teško za boravak u tom periodu (visoka temp + visoka vlaga)?

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46 minutes ago, Doo-shan said:

Zdravo planiram krajem aprila da posetim Cebu i Palawan, pa me zanima da li je neko bio u tom periodu ili poznaje nekog koje bio u tom periodu da mi prenese iskustvo..
Na internetu jedino što sam mogao da nađem je ovo:
October to May is the best time to visit Palawan, with hottest and dry between March - May, with October to February as the cold - dry season. But as a local, the weather in Palawan, specifically El Nido is fairly sunny the whole year round.
E sad pošto im je od marta do maja najtoplije, kod njih uvek pada kiša da li je previše teško za boravak u tom periodu (visoka temp + visoka vlaga)?

Ja sam bio bas u drugoj polovini aprila i prvoj polovini maja,izmedju ostalog i na tim ostrvima koje si pomenuo...Vreme je bilo prelepo, toplo, kisa nije padala..Nije nesto bilo sparno..

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