"Inspiraciju za ovaj muzički spot pronašli smo u serijalu Songs Around the World, projektu Playing for Change" - kaže za Klub putnika Nenad Nedeljkov, reditelj spota Stop that train, I'm leaving, snimljenog u Zrenjaninu. "Nekako u isto vreme javila se ideja da snimimo spot po istom principu ali u našem malom svetu, u našem gradu. Zrenjanin je poseban grad, ima ono "nešto" što smo, nadam se, uspeli da prikažemo. U ratnim devedesetim, mnogo mojih prijatelja otišlo je ko zna gde. Neki su se vratili, neki nisu, a neki se često vraćaju da bi opet otišli. Pesma Stop That Train Petera Tosha nametnula se kao jedini pravi izbor i tu nisam imao dileme; i po sadržaju i svojoj mirnoj rege strukturi koja odgovara našem banatskom mentalitetu. Za sve ostalo, pogledajte spot."
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
I said it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
All my good life I've been a lonely man
Teaching the people who don't overstan'
And even though I've tried my bes'
I still don't find no happiness
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
Said it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
Some goin' east
Some goin' west
Some step aside to try their best
Some livin' big
But the most livin' small
They just can't even find
No food at all
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
Stop that train I'm leaving
It won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
Said it won't be too long whether I'm right or wrong
Stop that train I'm leaving...