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highway motels in Serbia

7 posts in this topic

Hello all,

Next week i will start from Estonia to Greece by car. Basically we will sstay in campings but is there roadside motels on  E95 (Belgrad - Skopje) available? In Poland, Czech, slovakia and Hungary there is a lot of highway rest area motels with prices about 20-30 EUR per room for two :-) Is it the same for Serbia? I'm expecially interested about motels you see when driving on motorway - no need to search for tthem on map.

Best regards,


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There aren't too many (from HU-SER border to Belgrade three or four if I remember it good) and the prices are about 2000 RSD ( which is about 20 Eur) and the price is for motel Mandić between Hungarian border and Novi Sad.


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Thank you, Acketa. It's not too long way from border to Belgrad, so 3-4 is OK by every standard. Do you have ideas about Southern Serbia? Normally I end my first day somewhere near Warschaw (1000 km from Tallinn), next night I hope to spend somewhere in Mid-Hungary. So third night seems to be in Southern Serbia.

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thank you, Acketa,

with your last post you make me really happy - I have everything I need for now. Let me say that your website is fantastic - never seen such a nice line of emoticons to use  :dance: I'm a journalist so notice about this site will go into my travel story.

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Perhaps hotel Nais, near Nis. It is the biggest in the south, I think. It used to be a motel for a long time, now is a hotel with 3 stars.

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Check this out

It's a two star motel, but really a "famous" place for rest with the locals going to Greece. Never slept there, it's only a 7 hour drive to Thessaloniki, but it looks nice and quiet. They recently renovated. Prices shouldn't be too steep, but they haven't published the rates online so you might try the contact form or the phone.

The motel is 3-3,5 hours southwards from Belgrade.

There are couple of places in the north, for example Mandic (10e per person per night) or Rodic (which goes by as EuroLuxPetrol these days). Both are okay.

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