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Stagecoach launches European service

Peter Woodman

Monday 16 April 2012

Don't miss the bus: Paris from £2.30 (but it takes half a day)

Transport company Stagecoach today launched a new UK-to-Europe coach service, with seats starting at £1. The company's budget coach operator is running daytime and overnight services from London to Paris, Boulogne, Brussels and Amsterdam. An interchange at Victoria in London also offers through services to and from locations in Scotland, Wales and the rest of England. Stagecoach chief executive Sir Brian Souter said: "We launched in Scotland nine years ago and it has already transformed intercity travel in the UK and North America.

"For too long, people in many parts of Europe have been paying too much for their coach travel. Our new network offers families, students and tourists great value fares and high-quality coaches. These services will deliver a long-overdue shake-up to the over-priced European coach travel market."

Stagecoach also revealed today that it is investigating the potential for a sleeper coach service between the UK and Europe. The company is working in partnership with Belgian manufacturer Van Hool on a sleepercoach fitted with 48 seats and tables for use during the daytime, which could be converted into 43 bunks on overnight services.


Izmenjen naslov, u skladu sa pravilnikom foruma. Dajte mu takvu temu da se zna tacno o cemu se radi. Izmenjen i post, izvucene samo prave i potrebne informacije, ostale reklame i cuda obrisana. Molim vas, potrudite se barem malo oko posta, nemojte nama praviti posla :) Hvala za info, u svakom slucaju!

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Да се надовежем на Хампијев претходни пост.

Ово може бити корисно не само људима који путу у/из Лондона. Успоставили су и линије између Париза, Брисела и Амстердама. На пример, управо гледам за уторак 15. мај 2012. ноћну вожњу Амстердам-Париз која кошта једну фунту!

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Ne znam kako mozes da se ne snadjes, prilicno je jasan sajt. Ono sto je mozda neuobicajeno, to je da prvo moras da ukucas broj putnika, umesto 0, stavis npr 1, pa ti se tek onda otvara padajuci meni sa gradovima. Biras gradove, datume, pa kasnije imas da pomeras datume na "previous day" ili "next day" da vidis cene i za ostale dane, ako te zanima!

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ne mislim na sajt megabusa, tu je sve jasno, nego za Stagecoach, vidim samo britanske destinacije, nigde nema amsterdama, pariza..

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Je l' citas ti sta pise :) Na tom sajtu Megabusa se kupuju karte, zato sam i stavio taj link!

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Izgleda da Megabus ima neku promociju vezano za Nemacku,posto voznje izmedju nemackih gradova kostaju 1 funtu (+ 0,5 funti rezervacija):

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