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Zanimljivi članci

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Zanimljivo, i Egipat gradi novu prestonicu:

Koncept unutrašnje kolonizacije nešto je o čemu je tek nedavno počelo ozbiljnije da se govori. Mi to u Srbiji imamo sa Rio Tintom kao najdrastičnijim primerom, i sa još milion sličnih projekata o kojima se manje priča ili se i ne priča. Sve se manje radi o tome da bogata zemlja kolonizuje siromašnu, a sve više o tome da bogati unutar bilo koje zemlje kolonizuju sve ostale, otimaju resurse, i uopšte slede klasičan kolonijalni obrazac. 

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Stvar je vrlo prosta, moze se to nazivati spoljnjom ili unutrasnjom kolonizacijom, sushtina je u tome da u globalnom sistemu plutokratije imamo vladavinu elita (1%) i to je tako skoro svuda, najveci totalitarizam u istoriji covecanstva. Razlike su samo u detaljima. U cistim plutokratijama vladaju multimilijarderi iz senke, dok u ovim sto se osudjuju kao ne-demokratije imamo upliv politickog elementa, to jest politicki element nije puki instrument multimilijardera, vec i on poseduje nekakvu moc pored plutokrata. 

Sushtinski isto, opet kazem razlike su u detaljima. U Kongu mozes da posedujes decu robove i decu vojnike i ako ti se neko ne dopada da blanko pobijes njegovu celokupnu familiju. U Srbiji mozes da posaljes BIA-u da ih maltretiraju na aerodromu ili hapse. U "demokratijama" ne moze tako otvoreno, mozes da platis da tog jednog coveka smaknu. Razlike nisu nebitne, ali sushtina je ista. 

Ovaj grafikon je samo zvanicno, a sta je nezvanicno o tome se ne prica. Imaju liste sa Gejtsom, Maskom i ostalima, ali niko ne pominje Rotshilde i ostale u senci (znaci realno je gore nego na grafikonu):


Edited by noskich

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We were the only international journalists left in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, and we had been documenting its siege by Russian troops for more than two weeks. We were reporting inside the hospital when gunmen began stalking the corridors. Surgeons gave us white scrubs to wear as camouflage.

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The U.N. food chief warned Tuesday the war in Ukraine has created “a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe” and will have a global impact “beyond anything we’ve seen since World War II” because many of the Ukrainian farmers who produce a significant amount of the world’s wheat are now fighting Russians.

David Beasley, executive director of the U.N. World Food Program, told the U.N. Security Council that already high food prices are skyrocketing.

The war in Ukraine is turning “the breadbasket of the world to breadlines” for millions of its people, while devastating countries like Egypt that normally gets 85% of its grain from Ukraine and Lebanon that got 81% in 2020, Beasley said.

Beasley warned that focusing on Ukraine should not lead the international community to neglect of Africa, especially the Sahel, and the Middle East, because “otherwise, you’ll have massive migration” coming to all parts of Europe.

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U Kanadi ima 4 puta više dobrotvornih prodavnica za distribuciju hrane siromašnima negoli standardnih prodavnica:

Food charities outnumber grocery stores in Canada four-to-one. 

U Australiji 1 od 6 odraslih ljudi nema dovoljno da jede:

One in six Australian adults experienced food insecurity in 2021, according to Foodbank

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From Yemen to Cuba, sanctions have destroyed the lives of ordinary people as punishment for decisions made by their authoritarian rulers.

In the 1990s, the U.S. imposed a crushing sanctions regime against Iraq following the war in Kuwait. The measures immiserated ordinary Iraqis while allowing Saddam Hussein to further consolidate his grip on society. Today middle classes in places like Iran have fallen into destitution because of U.S. sanctions on the Iranian economy and central bank. In Afghanistan, following last year’s collapse of the central government, the U.S. not only cut off critical aid but also confiscated its banking reserves, leading to a liquidity crisis in the poorest country on Earth and ultimately to reports of starvation. Under a blockade led by U.S. allies, Yemen has similarly faced mass outbreaks of disease and malnutrition.

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Portugal emerged from the financial crisis of the mid-2000s as one of the European Union's poorest nations. With the economy in shambles, Lisbon lawmakers drafted immigration laws to aggressively court foreign professionals, from the wealthy, who could essentially buy residency by purchasing land, to remote workers, who could secure a path to citizenship by earning money abroad but spending it here. More recently, the nation, which for the last seven years has hosted the Web Summit tech conference, has fashioned itself as a tax haven for cryptocurrency investors.

The government estimates that foreigners have invested more than $6 billion in Portugal since 2012 through property purchases alone. The closely related tourist and rental industries brought in more than $10 billion last year and, before the pandemic, represented 15% of the nation's GDP. (During the same time in the U.S., tourism accounted for less than 3% of the economy.)

For Dixon, a fourth-generation Californian, the visa process was textbook. She and her husband, Joey Dixon, had to open a Portuguese bank account with savings equal to about $21,000 — about twice the minimum wage — and lock into a yearlong lease.


"There's no doubt that the foreign investment has greatly helped Portugal's economy and made the cities more beautiful," said Isabel da Bandeira, an activist who co-founded the Lisbon housing rights group Aqui Mora Gente (People Live Here). "But this process has also hurt the long-term residents who don't recognize parts of their communities anymore or can't afford to live in them."

Across Lisbon, the country's largest urban center with 550,000 people, it's hard to miss the Californians. The city, where tourism has boomed over the years to the point that entire streets in its historic core are made up exclusively of hotels and Airbnbs, has attracted monied newcomers from across the world, including the United Kingdom, Cape Verde, South Africa and Russia. But more Americans are buying expensive property than any other foreigners, surpassing the Chinese.


"You cannot deny that places like Lisbon have become much more appealing for young, creative people with money to spend. The effect on the economy and the way the buildings look — no longer empty — is astronomical," said Mendes. "But the average Portuguese person can no longer afford to live in the center of Lisbon. Rents have gone up five times over a few years. Even the basic things, such as buying groceries, take longer trips outside the city center than they used to."


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4 hours ago, Dragance said:

Odlican tekst o Brazilu! Mozda sam subjektivan, jer je dozivljaj autora vrlo slican mom, ali mislim da vredi procitati.

Dobar članak! Malo znam o Brazilu, sem one idealizovano filmske slike o favelama.

Nikad nisam pročitala Robinzona Krusa, tako da mi je i pominjanje te knjige bilo zanimljivo. I sad posle ovoga moram se baciti na njeno čitanje. :)

Queer teme nikad nisu bile relevantnije, s tim u vezi zanimljiv članak.

"Years before the Weimar Republic’s well-chronicled freedoms, the 1904 non-fiction study Berlin’s Third Sex depicted an astonishingly diverse subculture of sexual outlaws in the German capital. James J. Conway introduces a foundational text of queer identity that finds Magnus Hirschfeld — the “Einstein of Sex” — deploying both sentiment and science to move hearts and minds among a broad readership."

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13 hours ago, Dragance said:

Odlican tekst o Brazilu! Mozda sam subjektivan, jer je dozivljaj autora vrlo slican mom, ali mislim da vredi procitati.

Zanimljiv tekst. Malo previše klišea za moj ukus, ali generalno okej, sa dosta zanimljivih informacija. Eto da doživimo da i RTS iznedri nešto pristojno.

8 hours ago, marica said:

Nikad nisam pročitala Robinzona Krusa, tako da mi je i pominjanje te knjige bilo zanimljivo. I sad posle ovoga moram se baciti na njeno čitanje. :)

Kad smo kod knjiga, moja omiljena knjiga o Brazilu (i jedna od najboljih knjiga koje sam ikad pročitao) je Rat za smak sveta.

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15 hours ago, Lazar said:


Kad smo kod knjiga, moja omiljena knjiga o Brazilu (i jedna od najboljih knjiga koje sam ikad pročitao) je Rat za smak sveta.


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On 7/24/2022 at 3:05 AM, marica said:

Dobar članak! Malo znam o Brazilu, sem one idealizovano filmske slike o favelama.

Nikad nisam pročitala Robinzona Krusa, tako da mi je i pominjanje te knjige bilo zanimljivo. I sad posle ovoga moram se baciti na njeno čitanje. :)

Iako se secam da sam kao dete to citao kao jednu od prvih lektira, ili mozda cak i pre i to bar dva puta, ne secam se sad bas toliko citave price, a ponajmanje da ima ikakve veze sa Brazilom. Tad mi to nije bilo toliko zanimljivo kao sto bi danas bilo. A pogotovo taj aspekt romansiranja i relativiziranja pojma robovlasnistva, sto iz ugla jednog odraslog coveka zvuci bas jezivo. Ali, ocigledno je tad to bilo sasvim u redu i socijalno prihvatljivo. Prosto me vuce da sad opet procitam tu istu knjigu :)

A zanimljivo mi deluje i taj dokumentarac sto se pominje u tekstu, gde razni filmski radnici pricaju o tom idealizovanom Brazilu u svojim filmovima, mislim da cu to pogledati.


23 hours ago, Lazar said:

Zanimljiv tekst. Malo previše klišea za moj ukus, ali generalno okej, sa dosta zanimljivih informacija. Eto da doživimo da i RTS iznedri nešto pristojno.

Kad smo kod knjiga, moja omiljena knjiga o Brazilu (i jedna od najboljih knjiga koje sam ikad pročitao) je Rat za smak sveta.

Bukvalno sam u prvom pasusu prepoznao svoj osecaj kad sam otisao tamo, jer sam govorio kako mi je sve delovalo slicno (zapadnom svestu, nekoj nasoj kulturi uopste), ali je u stvari nekako drugacije. U pocetku se to odnosilo samo na neke vizuelne opazaje, na izgled samih gradova, na prirodu, okruzenje, ljude, hranu. Kasnije, kad sam malo dublje zagazio u zivot tamo, isto se odnosilo i na neke druge stvari, koje spolja izgledaju isto, ali su ipak razlicite, kao sto su socijalne razlike medju ljudima (ogromne), obicna komunikacija, poslovni nacin ophodjenja, postovanje porodice, religije... Ima na RTSu povremeno zanimljivih tekstova, iz raznih oblasti. Prosto se iznenadim kad tako nesto izroni iz gomile drugih, bljutavih elektronskih medija.

Gledacu da potrazim knjigu, hvala za preporuku:)

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