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Muzika širom sveta: Šta slušate ovih dana

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Od pre sam znala da je Florence kraljica, i onda negde krajem leta 2016. čujem ovu stvar i zaljubim se još više. I danas mi nešto opet dođe... 


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This Beauty

This beauty woke up to knead dough early in the morning

And the rooster crows: koo koo koo koo1 at early dawn

Let's go on and earn our livings

Oh, workers

May your morning be a good one,

Oh, Mr. Atteya2


The morning came,

Oh dear Lord,

And there is not a penny in the pocket

Who saw more torture in these days

than the wronged workers?


Patience has gone on for too long..

What's worse than someone blocking your earning of a living?

To the ones who have [a lot of] money,

The poor also has a generous God


Come on, chin up, Abu Salah3

Don't give a damn and you'll live happily

Rely only upon the Lord

Come on, let's go

Now we've lost time


The sun came up

And everything belongs to God

Go seek your living

Leave it all to God

Go carry your shovel,4

your set of tools and let's go


1.It's supposed to be a rooster's sound.

2.Random name, the 'Mr.' here is not really 'Mr.' but a title you give to a worker or driver; there's no English equivalent.

3.Another random name.

4.Or an axe/hoe. In short, a tool for gardening/planting.

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Hindi Zahra (Tamazight: ⵀⵉⵏⴷⵉ ⵣⴰⵀⵕⴰ, Arabic: هندي زهرة, born 20 January 1979[1] in Khouribga, Morocco) is a gift Moroccan singer[2]and actress. When coming up with a stage name, she simply inverted her birth name.[3] Her songs are mostly in English but some lyrics as in the song "Imik Si Mik" are in the Amazigh language.


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The Hu is a Mongolian heavy metal band formed in 2016. With traditional Mongolian instrumentation, including the Morin khuur, and Mongolian throat singing, the band calls their style of music "hunnu rock", hu being a Mongolian root word for "human".


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This is an ancient Uyghur song from Lop Nur, Uyghur Autonomous Region. Lop Nur is an ancient Uyghur city located in middle of Taklamakan and Kumtag deserts. Throughout the history, the transportations to and from this city were extremely challenging due to its isolated location, therefore unlike other Uyghur cultures, Lop Nur culture did not heavily influenced by Persian culture and thus it preserved the most pure and ancient Uyghur Turkic culture.

 Qizil Gülüm (My Rose) 


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Zanimljiva ova tema. Nisam je ranije provalila. :)

U ovoj Qizil Gülüm, muški glas mi zvuči kao neki melos sa Bliskog Istoka, a ženki pre vuče na kinesku tradicionalnu muziku. Zanimljiv spoj.

A evo i nečeg na šta sam skoro nabasala ako nekog interesuju paganski zvuci i egzotični muzički instrumenti. :)

Heilung is an experimental folk music band made up of members from Denmark, Norway, and Germany. Their music is based on texts and runic inscriptions from Germanic peoples of the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Viking Age. Heilung describe their music as "amplified history from early medieval northern Europe". Their music is usually about Norse deities, jǫtnar, and valkyries. "Heilung" is a German word meaning "healing" in English. (izvor Wikipedia - )



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Dve povezane stvari koje bih hteo da pomenem.

Prvo, kompozitor Peter Whitehead koji sam pravi svoje originalne instrumente i zatim ih svira.

Drugo njegov odlican doprinos jednom od mojih omiljenih soundtrack-ova za film City of Ghosts (2002) koji je bio fokusiran (soundtrack, ne film) na zaboravljeni period rokenrola u Kambodzi pre Crvenih Kmera (a o ovome je snimljen i zasebni dokumentarac:'t_Think_I've_Forgotten)


Edited by noskich

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